Justin McCarthy
12 books
War & Military
Justin McCarthy - History of Our Own Times From the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880, Volume II
Volume II of this popular history opens in the revolutionary year, 1848, with the Chartist movement for manhood suffrage and with the rise of Young Ireland. Next we join the crowds in 1851 at the opening of the Great...
11 hours 29 minutes
War & Military
Justin McCarthy - History of Our Own Times From the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880, Volume I
An engaging history of Great Britain in the heyday of Queen Victoria and of her empire by the liberal Irish Member of Parliament, Justin McCarthy. He brings us the larger than life personalities of the day, Victoria...
12 hours 28 minutes
War & Military
Justin McCarthy - Reign of Queen Anne, Volume II
Anne Stuart (1665-1714), Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, succeeded William III to the throne in 1702. She was the daughter of the deposed Catholic king, James II, but was of the Anglican faith. Liberal, Irish...
11 hours 44 minutes
War & Military
Justin McCarthy - Reign of Queen Anne, Volume I
Anne Stuart (1665-1714), Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, succeeded William III to the throne in 1702. She was the daughter of the deposed Catholic king, James II, but was of the Anglican faith. Liberal, Irish...
13 hours 42 minutes
Early Modern
Justin McCarthy - History of the Four Georges, and of William IV, Volume 3
In Volume III of this series on the Hanoverian Kings, Justin McCarthy is joined by his son, Justin Hartly McCarthy, a liberal Irish MP like his father. Together they bring to life, poor stubborn George III, the...
13 hours 58 minutes
War & Military
Justin McCarthy - History of the Four Georges in Four Volumes, Volume 2
Justin McCarthy (1830-1912), liberal member of Parliament and historian. He brings the great 18th Century personalities to life: Walpole and Swift, Bolingbroke and Mary Wortley Montagu, the Old Pretender, Bonnie...
11 hours 26 minutes
Early Modern
Justin McCarthy - History of the Four Georges in Four Volumes, Volume 1
Justin McCarthy (1830-1912), liberal member of Parliament and historian. He brings the great 18th Century personalities to life: Walpole and Swift, Bolingbroke and Mary Wortley Montagu, the Old Pretender and Bonnie...
12 hours 17 minutes